RadioPro Talk™ App FAQ

  • How are the user accounts for logging on to the RadioPro Mobile app administered (i.e. created, deleted, password reset)?

This is controlled or monitored by the admin on the IP Gateway through the ICU.exe utility. This utility is used to configure static IP address, as well as User Names and Passwords for the Mobile app users. User Names and Passwords may be created and deleted using this utility.
See the RadioPro IP Gateway Installation Guide page 16 "Solo/Talk Mobile Clients".

  • How many people can connect to the mobile app?

This is determined by the number of Mobile App licenses that are installed on the IP Gateway. If the gateway has 1 Mobile license installed, then only 1 smartphone user will have a permanent connection to the radio system.

  • How many user names and passwords can be set up in the ICU?

As many as you want.

  • How many people can talk on the mobile app?

Only 1 person can talk on the mobile app at a time. If the radio channel is busy, the app will receive a busy bonk. The smartphone user will have to wait until the channel becomes free before being able to transmit.

  • If someone connects, does it stay connected until they disconnect or does it time out?

They stay connected until they choose to disconnect.

If the connection is temporarily lost while in a moving vehicle due to a change in cellular data, or switching reception from cellular to Wi-Fi, the app will continue to attempt to reconnect to the IP Gateway until a connection is re-established.

  • Will the mobile Talk app allow incoming phone calls while the app is running?

Yes. You can still receive phone calls while using the app.
  • iOS devices: You will not be able to hear incoming transmissions while on a phone call.
  • Android devices: Incoming transmissions will interrupt your phone call. Version 1.11 adds a switch to block radio traffic during a phone call.

  • Does the Talk App support DHCP?

Yes. The RadioPro Talk™ app installed on Android and iOS devices supports DHCP.

CTI Products recommends that a static IP address be configured in the RadioPro™ IP Gateway using the ICU Configuration Utility.

If the IP Gateway is configured using DHCP, the IP Address programmed into the RadioPro Talk app will need to be adjusted whenever the IP Gateway's ip address changes.

  • Does the Talk App support DNS?

Yes. The RadioPro Talk™ app can connect to Gateways that have a static IP address associated with a Domain Name.

The RadioPro™ IP Gateway must have the following:
  • A static IP address.
  • port forwarded from an Internet exposed IP Address.
  • the exposed IP address must also be static.
  • A registered Domain Name.

  • Why does the connection drop and not reconnect when switching from Wi-Fi to cellular?

  1. The cellular network that your phone is switching to may not have enough bandwidth.
    RadioPro Talk™ App V.1.8 added an option to enable data compression.
  2. The IP Address of the RadioPro™ IP Gateway may not be reachable from your cellular network.
    Configure Port Forwarding. See the RadioPro IP Gateway Installation Guide page 19 "Configure Port Forwarding".

  • Why does the connection drop and not reconnect when switching from cellular data to Wi-Fi?

A RadioPro™ Talk app connecting through the Internet(cellular), may pass through a different set of firewall rules than a RadioPro™ Talk app connecting through a Wifi connection.

  1. It may be necssary to have 2 connections set up in the RadioPro™ Talk app. One for the Wi-Fi connection that looks like 10.xx.xx.xx or 192.xx.xx.xx and the other that has the static IP address exposed to the internet.
  2. The Network infrastructure that hosts the RadioPro™ IP Gateway may need a modification to allow access through the Wifi Firewall. The documentation for Port Forwarding may be helpful in this case as well. Please See the RadioPro IP Gateway Installation Guide page 19 "Configure Port Forwarding".